How to Hire a Good Crisis Management Planning Company

In today’s unpredictable environment, businesses and organizations must be prepared to handle crises effectively. Whether it’s a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or public relations debacle, having a robust crisis management plan is crucial. Many organizations turn to specialized crisis management planning companies to develop and implement these plans. Hiring the right company can make a significant difference in how well you can navigate a crisis. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to hire a good crisis management planning company.

Understanding Your Needs

Before you start searching for a crisis management planning company, it’s essential to understand your organization’s specific needs. Different organizations face different types of risks, and your needs will dictate the type of expertise required. Here are some steps to clarify your needs:

  1. Risk Assessment: Identify the primary risks your organization faces. This could include natural disasters, cyber threats, operational disruptions, or reputational crises.
  2. Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with your crisis management plan. Objectives might include ensuring business continuity, protecting stakeholder interests, or maintaining regulatory compliance.
  3. Scope of Services: Decide whether you need a comprehensive crisis management plan, specific services like training and drills, or ongoing support and consultation.

Researching Potential Companies

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, the next step is to research potential crisis management planning companies. Here are some strategies for identifying and evaluating potential firms:

  1. Industry Reputation: Look for companies with a strong reputation in the industry. Check online reviews, testimonials, and case studies to understand their track record.
  2. Certifications and Accreditations: Verify if the company holds relevant certifications or accreditations from recognized industry bodies, such as the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) or the Business Continuity Institute (BCI).
  3. Experience: Assess the company’s experience in handling crises similar to those your organization might face. Experience in your specific industry can be particularly valuable.

Evaluating Expertise and Services

Not all crisis management planning companies offer the same level of expertise or range of services. When evaluating potential firms, consider the following factors:

  1. Comprehensive Services: Ensure the company offers a full spectrum of services, including risk assessment, plan development, training, simulation exercises, and post-crisis evaluation.
  2. Customization: The best firms tailor their services to meet your specific needs rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution.
  3. Technology and Tools: Inquire about the technology and tools the company uses. Effective crisis management often relies on advanced software for communication, data analysis, and real-time monitoring.
  4. Training Programs: Training your staff is crucial. Evaluate the company’s training programs to ensure they are thorough, practical, and relevant to your organization’s needs.

Assessing the Team

The expertise and experience of the team members who will be working on your account are critical to the success of your crisis management plan. Consider the following:

  1. Qualifications: Review the qualifications of the consultants and trainers. Look for relevant certifications, degrees, and professional development in crisis management, business continuity, or related fields.
  2. Experience: Assess the practical experience of the team members. Have they managed real-life crises? Do they have experience in your industry?
  3. Communication Skills: Effective crisis management relies heavily on clear and timely communication. Ensure that the team members are excellent communicators who can work well under pressure.

Checking References

References provide valuable insights into a company’s performance and reliability. Ask potential firms for references from past or current clients, particularly those in similar industries or facing similar risks. When speaking with references, consider asking the following questions:

  1. Project Scope and Execution: What was the scope of the project the company handled? How effectively did they execute it?
  2. Responsiveness: How responsive was the company during the planning and implementation phases? Did they provide timely support during a crisis?
  3. Outcome: What was the outcome of the crisis management planning? Did the plan work effectively during a real crisis?
  4. Ongoing Support: Does the company provide adequate ongoing support and updates to the crisis management plan?

Understanding Costs

Cost is an important consideration when hiring a crisis management planning company. However, it should not be the sole factor. Consider the value and quality of services you will receive in relation to the cost. Here are some tips for understanding costs:

  1. Transparent Pricing: Look for companies that offer transparent pricing without hidden fees. Ensure you understand what is included in the quoted price.
  2. Value for Money: Compare the cost with the range and quality of services offered. A higher price might be justified if the company provides superior expertise and comprehensive services.
  3. Budget Alignment: Ensure that the services align with your budget. Discuss payment terms and options to find a mutually agreeable arrangement.

Contract and Agreement

Before finalizing your decision, carefully review the contract and agreement. The contract should clearly outline the scope of services, deliverables, timelines, costs, and terms of engagement. Ensure the following:

  1. Clear Scope: The contract should specify what services will be provided and any exclusions.
  2. Timelines and Milestones: Establish clear timelines and milestones for the completion of different phases of the project.
  3. Performance Metrics: Include performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the project.
  4. Termination Clause: Understand the terms under which the contract can be terminated by either party.

Building a Long-term Relationship

Crisis management planning is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Building a long-term relationship with your crisis management planning company can provide several benefits:

  1. Continuous Improvement: Regular updates and improvements to your crisis management plan based on new risks and changing circumstances.
  2. Consistent Training: Ongoing training and drills to ensure your staff remains prepared for potential crises.
  3. Strategic Partnership: A strategic partnership with the firm can help integrate crisis management into your overall business strategy.


Hiring a good crisis management planning company is a critical step in safeguarding your organization against potential crises. By understanding your needs, researching potential firms, evaluating their expertise and services, assessing their team, checking references, understanding costs, reviewing contracts carefully, and building a long-term relationship, you can ensure that you select the right partner to help you navigate through challenging times. A well-chosen crisis management planning company will provide the expertise, support, and resources needed to protect your organization and ensure its resilience in the face of adversity.

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