How to make Psilocybin mushrooms tea

How to make Psilocybin mushrooms tea

Psilocybin mushrooms tea can be used for spiritual, therapeutic, or medical purposes.

A herbal infusion can be more potent than eating mushrooms alone. You should consume it responsibly in your area.


To make your own mushroom brew you will need a large pot filled with boiling water and ground psilocybin, as well as a strainer. Use between one gram and three grams to achieve the desired effects. Weighing your mushrooms will ensure you get the right dose. If you’re new to consuming mushrooms, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of an experienced individual.

Begin by filling your pot with boiling water that is between 190-200 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour boiling water on the mushrooms, until they are completely covered. Let the tea steep for 10 to 15 minutes.

Once the timer goes, pour the tea into a cup or jug through a strainer. You can add ingredients such as turmeric, honey, cinnamon, ginger or honey to customize your experience. These foods contain essential nutrients and vitamins which are good for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Enjoy your mushroom brew after you’ve prepared it and strained it. Psilocybin starts working in 20-40 minutes. It will then increase your creativity, euphoria as well as happy feelings. You can maximize the experience by drinking it in a calm environment with music playing. Some find that synchronised Ecstasy can intensify their journey. However, be careful when taking edibles. This can intensify the trip, but it is important to remember dosage requirements!


The first step in making psilocybin mushrooms tea is to gather all the ingredients. This includes mushrooms, water, and a pot/kettle to boil everything in. Separate the liquid and mushrooms using a cheesecloth or strainer. You’ll also require a cup, which can be flavored with honey or ginger.

Mushrooms are a source of psilocybin which is a powerful hallucinogen. It may help heal psychological conditions and emotional traumas. The full spectrum of its effects can only be experienced with a guide who is knowledgeable. Your guide can show you how create a delicious fungus tea to allow for maximum brain-altering experience.

Before you begin to make mushroom tea, it is essential that you perform a potency testing and ensure the mushrooms are free from contamination. Psilocybin concentrations vary among strains. Heat, light, and moisture can significantly reduce their potency. Any signs of spoilage are a reason to discard the batch in favour of another.

Once you’ve gathered the required amount of mushroom, bring some water to boil and then add your mushrooms. While it’s best to grind your mushroom before adding them to the tea, you can use a spoon or a knife to break them up by hand. This will allow more chemicals from the mushrooms to permeate to the water.

Let the mixture steep for 15 minutes after adding your mushrooms. This will allow their psilocybin levels to be released and increase the psychedelic experience. As it steeps longer, the stronger its effects will become.

After the tea steeps, remove it and let the temperature cool before pouring the tea into your cup. Mushroom tea offers an appealing way to take magic mushrooms more quickly while simultaneously being more pleasant than eating whole mushrooms directly.


An important safety measure when making psilocybin mushroom tea is to accurately weigh out your dosage. Even experienced eyeballers make mistakes when weighing out dosage. It is therefore important that you know the exact amount in each cup to avoid overdosing and experiencing negative side-effects. A scale can also help you avoid measurement errors. Fresh mushrooms make it even more important to weigh out dosages so that you are sure not to overdo it.

Lemon juice helps mushrooms release their psychedelic qualities and enhances the flavor of a beverage. It also helps release some of the medicinal qualities of mushrooms like turkey-tail or lion’s-mane mushrooms, so that you can get maximum benefit out of one drink.

Though it may seem unusual to make mushroom tea for enjoyment, microdosing enthusiasts have taken to this practice as a form of microdosing has proven its benefits in relieving depression, anxiety, prescription medication dependency and menstrual cramps. Psilocybin in mushrooms has profoundly positive effects when consumed in low doses. It helps reduce depression symptoms and anxiety, and can even improve sex.

Psilocybin is naturally found in certain types of mushrooms. These can be harvested, ground into powder and used in teas or other tinctures. Mushrooms are best collected in a controlled environment, to ensure the psilocybin concentration is not too high or too low.

Magic mushrooms are classified as Schedule I drugs by the US government and are illegal for anyone to possess, buy, or cultivate. However some cities have decriminalized magic mushrooms’ use. It is best to consult with a trained professional before deciding whether or not you can consume psilocybin mushroom.


Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in many countries, including the US. Home users can cultivate and use psychedelic or spiritual mushrooms for therapy at home. They may also cook the mushrooms into tea and enjoy the taste. This is a better option than eating raw mushrooms, which could cause stomach cramps.

Note that even though this method of ingestion may be safe, any hallucinogens should only ever consumed under the guidance and supervision of a trained medical professional. This is to avoid side-effects like anxiety, nausea, and vomiting which could lead in extreme cases to psychosis or seizure. Psilocybin, once it is consumed, can become addictive. This means that more and more mushrooms will be needed to achieve the same effects.

Some people find that taking regular doses psilocybin is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. It can also be used to treat PTSD, addiction, and PTSD. This practice is called microdosing, and it’s becoming increasingly popular among young people. Psilocybin should only ever be consumed under supervision from an accredited counsellor.

Start by washing and grinding your mushrooms before filling a kettle with boiling water and pouring the hot liquid over them to steep for 30 minutes before straining out and sweetening your tea with sugar for added psychedelic effects.

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